
Topic: ::For Your Information::
TimothyPaulJones and God ... one of the forementioned persons is inerrant, the other is not.
Because one of those persons is not inerrant---it's TimothyPaulJones who makes mistakes, by the way, in case you were confused by that choice---one of those persons, despite every attempt being made to check every fact, occasionally even puts errors into writing.
Even in Misquoting Truth.
I want to make every effort to speak and to write the truth in everything, admitting and correcting any error. That's why I will be maintaining a list of errors here, hoping that persons will correct those errors in copies of Misquoting Truth.
Pages 44-46: The reference to "Codex Bezae" is unintentionally misleading. In the extant Greek text of Codex Bezae, the reading of John 1:6 seems to be, in fact, "from God." (To see for yourself, click here.) However, look carefully at the theta (which would make the reading "from God"), and you will notice that it was originally a kappa (which would make the reading "from [the] Lord"). A later scribe, noticing the error and wishing to preserve the most reliable text, scraped off part of the kappa and inked a theta on top of it. The initial reading---and this is the one to which I'm referring in these pages---was "from [the] Lord."
Pages 52-53: "Warp-drive" should read "hyperdrive."
Page 135: "Hebrews*" should not appear at all in the Codex Claromontanus list.