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Wednesday, 2 August 2006
What is Hullabaloo?

What is "hullabaloo"?

It's a word descended from the Scottish phrase "hallo ballo."

It's a game from a company called Cranium. 

It can denote a protest, chaos, or simply the hubbub of ordinary life.

It was a series of raves that sold out nearly fifty times between 1997 and 2005.

It's a new book by TimothyPaulJones that will show up on bookstore shelves in early 2007.

So, what is "hullabaloo"?

Keep checking here for updates! 

("Hullabaloo" was also a short-lived band and a poorly-promoted television program from the 1960s--but a marketing class that we've attended at some point in the distant past told us not to connect our product with anything that's dated or that failed. Obviously, we aren't particularly adept at following instructions.)

Posted by timothypauljones at 2:13 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 August 2006 2:17 PM CDT
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